Vegan Mofo 2019: Inspired by Your Favourite Show

Jane the Virgin started in 2014 and Kate watched her very first episode in… last week. She started watching it last week. And not because I was watching it and she trusts my excellent taste but because someone she admires on Twitter likes it. I’ve been watching it all this time and she hasn’t cared one bit.

But I’m not bitter.

She is absolutely obsessed now though and thought that we should make a grilled cheese for this prompt. Jane’s recipe is, of course, one-third white cheddar, one-third yellow cheddar, and one-third grated American cheese. That’s not going to work for Vegan Mofo so behold my thoughts on the vegan grilled cheese.

The Cheese

Follow Your Heart Shreds, Cheddar. Or Daiya, Cheddar Style, grated. Grated will melt easier and melting the cheese really improves the taste.

The Bread

Seeded multigrain or white. Either way it should come in a bag from a supermarket.

The Cooking 

Heat the pan, high heat. Butter the bread both sides and place them both in the pan. When the downwards facing side is browned flip one side, pop the cheese on and put the other side on top, brown side facing the cheese.when the bottom is browned flip over and cook until the bottom is browned and the cheese is melted. Cut diagonally because everything tastes better in triangles.

3 thoughts on “Vegan Mofo 2019: Inspired by Your Favourite Show

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